Study the following video. Due to the veto of Russia in the U.N. they are trying now to stage a provocation - pretext in order for U.N. to comply and to ignite the US-NATO-Iranian War.
Short Analysis:
Because the Russianhebrews and the Chinese leadership in collusion have put a Veto for Syria (While in Libya they refused to veto, because Gaddafi made open statements about the expel of the Chinese from Africa, and about the buildup of 1.000.000 African army in order to expel the Chinese and the rest imperialists from Africa), and Russia and China are planning to also put a veto for Iran in order to further pollarize the scene, and because an assault of USA-NATO-E.U. will need signatures from the United Nations into which are also members Russia and China (Shanghai Pact) who are planning with this Veto to pose as the alleged "controversialists" of the case, and thus because the United Nations will not be able to give the "OK" for the attack, they are now planning to stage a provocation-pretext against Iran.
G.H.REES blog top-urgent message to Foster Gamble
Dear Foster Gamble,
We as friends of G.H.REES (Group of Hellenic Reestablishment) have observed your movement and research.
You are right in several partial aspects of your effort, especially in your IRAN:Follow the Money VIDEO of planet security, but you are taking a completely wrong approach in your overall research.
We explain:
The historical becoming and geostrategics for the past 13.500 years from the arrival of the Dracconian Moon in Earth’s orbit, is deeply based ONLY on RACIAL MOTIVATIONS and not on money and money flow & consolidation.
Please study the G.H.REES International and Greek blog about the Draconian Chinese Yellow Race schemes for Global Hegemony (The Yellow Chinese "Nation of the Dragon" are supported by the Space Draconians Mutineers faction of extraterrestrials (from the constellation of Draco) who have as a flagship the Moon):
Study carefully the following blogs:
In case you have any inquiries feel free to contact us.
P.S. Of course you cannot base your movement publicly and openly on RACIAL criteria because you would immediately characterized and persecuted as a CRIMINAL RACIST from the "politically correct establishment" of the planet which is a collusion of Hebrewsaxons and Chinese rabbi bankers and mandarin financiers and businessmen. But the Chinese “Fathers” are planning to annihilate at the end and their hebrewsaxons "Childs" in order to found their Global Sinese Dictatorship. Ofcourse anti-racism is promoted only in the west, but in the Eastern world and China and Japan apply hard core racism. Study the deep geostrategics reasons of this fact. Good Luck.